Here’s to the late-night laborers and the early morning risers. To the workhorses and the overachievers. To the moonlight managers, split-shift soldiers, and weekend warriors.
To the driven, diligent, and disciplined. To the ones who deal in expertise, and elbow grease. To the multitasking masters and the power-through pros.
To the ones who work hard so they can play harder. You do what needs to be done without a complaint, or a second thought. You get the job done so you can get after the fun.
Split Shift COFFEE is here for your daily grind. The right tool for the job. That’s why we deliver what you need when you need it. Simply. Consistently. Without a fuss.
simple. consistent. No Fuss.
PNW Roasted. 100% Arabica beans.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we know coffee like nowhere else in the nation. That’s why using high quality Arabica beans that are locally roasted is top priority. We work hard to ensure that each and every batch is exactly to spec, roasted to perfection. You have high expectations for your cup of joe. It is our job to deliver and we are proud to do so.
Just like your favorite pair of work boots, coffee is not one-size-fits-all. That’s why we offer thirteen unique roast varieties from light to dark and everywhere in between. Explore them all below.
Cold Brew: Sweetened, Unsweetened, Nitro
Shining a light on the virtue of a hard day’s work, we’ve taken our Swift Kick blend and brewed it slowly, over time for a smooth taste and caffeinated kick. Just like the rest of our coffee, Split Shift Cold Brew is roasted, brewed, and canned right here in the Pacific Northwest. No need to make a big deal about it, just doing what it takes to get the job done.
As a 2023 Convenience Store News Best New Product Award winner, we know that the best cold brew is simple, consistent, and no fuss. We came to prove it and continue to drink it proud.
Look for our Cold Brew in the Cooler Section if your local independent retailer.
Take-Home Bags: Original Roast, Midnight Oil
Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense to leave the shop to grab your favorite cup of coffee. That’s why we’ve made our Original and Midnight Oil Roasts available for you to brew at home, at the shop, or wherever your coffee pot lives. These might just turn into the most important tool on your workbench.
Fuel for those who go the extra mile.
Quality coffee from a gas station? You bet.
We know you’re busy and making an extra stop at a coffee shop just doesn’t make sense. Over 1200 independent gas stations, convenience stores, and neighborhood markets across the West Coast feel the same and are proud to serve Split Shift Coffee at any time of day. It’s what you need when you need it. Use the map tool below to find locations near you.
Our loyalty stamp card program is as straight forward as our coffee. Buy any 5 cups of Split Shift Coffee and get a cup for free at participating locations. That’s it, that’s all there is to it. No catches or conditions. It’s so easy you won’t even have a chance to lose the card in your wallet. Simple. Consistent. No Fuss.
Follow on Instagram and Facebook for giveaways, product launches, and more!